Lighting – Ryan Electric This is Ryan Electric Mon, 12 Mar 2018 01:11:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lighting – Ryan Electric 32 32 Lighting makes a world of difference. Sun, 15 Jan 2017 22:47:48 +0000 Lighting, and areas to consider. Lighting and illumination can have many options and applications for your home or business. Take […]

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Lighting, and areas to consider.

Lighting and illumination can have many options and applications for your home or business. Take a look at each section to help you decide where you can improve the visibility for various reasons below. We’re always looking to help our customers by continually extending a helping hand. Contact us by email, phone or web submission, if you have any questions.


One way of making great improvements to your home is adding/improving the levels light in/outside your home. We have Johnson County electricians and Kansas City area electricians to help meet your needs.


On the outside of your home, the two things that should be considered when determining your needs are safety/security and aesthetics. A well lit exterior enhances the security and beauty of your home.

Outside Security

Security lighting can be achieved by using a timer(s) on existing exterior to ensure lighting is present during the hours you prefer. In addition, motion detector can be installed in darker areas around the home or areas where it works best for you such as driveways, entrances, etc. LED’s should always be considered for these applications as they are frequently in use and difficulty of changing bulbs due to possible height of fixtures.

Outside Aesthetics

Landscape can also improve the security of your home and also make great improvements to the aesthetics of the home. Generally, a combination to lite the walls of the home and the bushes, trees, etc. in the landscaped areas achieves the best aesthetic results. Having a proper balance of lighting on the home is important to ensure security and street appeal. LED lighting is a must for this application as any other type bulbs/fixtures require a lot of extra maintenance and expense.


On the interior of the home, safety and more emphasis on the aesthetics is important.

Interior Safety

Areas to be considered for safety is going down steps, hallways, closets and other dark areas in the home. The more dangerous the task-walking down steps, showering, preparing food is more important for safety reasons.

Interior Detailed

Detailed areas of work should be considered next on proper lighting. Office areas, homework areas, bedrooms, living rooms, laundry areas, pantries, basements etc. are all areas that can benefit in making improvements on your lighting needs. Well lit detailed areas of work allow us to complete our tasks properly and provides a more mentally healthy approach in completing our tasks/enjoyment.

Interior Aesthetic

Other areas of the home can be described as aesthetic can make even bigger differences in home appeal. Installing new entry chandeliers, dining chandeliers, ceiling fans, vanity lights, under cabinet lighting, pendant lighting, sconce lighting, etc. can make major differences in the interior appeal.

Let Us Help

We provide electrical services in the Johnson County and Kansas City areas. We have electricians well versed in lighting needs and design. We would look forward to the opportunity to meet your needs and completing the projects to your expectations and satisfaction. Let us know if we might be of service to you!

Contact Ryan Electric

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Benefits of LED Lighting Sat, 05 Nov 2016 20:50:48 +0000 LED lighting can have many benefits but even greater benefits if you understand the product, energy savings, safety benefits and correct applications for the product.

It may seem a little overwhelming on understanding what is best for your home/office but the thought process is quite simple.

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LED lighting can have many benefits but even greater benefits if you understand the product, energy savings, safety benefits and correct applications for the product.

It may seem a little overwhelming on understanding what is best for your home/office but the thought process is quite simple.

Understanding the product

LED lighting comes in many varying products but several items remain the same and are the most important regardless of which product you use.

Color Spectrum: all lighting can emit different color spectrum. Most commonly, residential homes have “soft white” lighting due to its warm inviting look. “Soft white” is the light yellowish color spectrum most standard incandescent light bulbs emit. LED bulbs can emit many colors but most LED’s for residential environment emit from “soft white” to “daylight” which is your bright white light. Good applications for “daylight” light are for laundry, closet, office, etc. where the light is needed for detailed work.

“Daylight” lighting is not a warm and inviting look so color spectrum of your lighting is very important and should be your first consideration when purchasing an LED product.

Dimming capability: if the application for your product will require dimming function, you will need to ensure the LED product is capable of dimming. In addition, it may require a different dimmer then the existing dimmer you have as it may not be compatible for proper LED dimming.

Safety Benefits / Energy Savings

Led products offer great energy savings and safety benefits. The greatest safety benefit it provides is preventing the dangers for needing to climb a ladder to replace bulbs. Generally, you should expect 10 year life from an LED bulb/product and hopefully 20 year life. Think of the amount of times you are required to take out a ladder, safely traverse to the working area and back with the ladder and climb the ladder to change the bulb. The amount of time, energy and danger alone makes purchasing LED bulbs for the highest fixtures in/outside your home absolutely essential. Quite frankly, just the time it takes alone to maintain incandescent lighting makes for considering converting to LED lighting throughout the home.
Energy savings can be very large over the lifetime of a LED bulb. Generally, they use 6- 8 times less energy then regular bulbs. The best way to describe it over a 10 year period considering cost of product, how many times you would need to change the bulb and energy used comes down to this fact. After year 4-5 the LED bulb could be left on 24/7 for the next 5-6 years and you would still use less energy then if you had kept using the regular incandescent bulb. Include the safety benefit and maintenance time saved, it is our best/only option without argument.

Correct Applications

If you understand the color spectrum needs, dimming capability needs, height, location of fixture/fixtures you already understand the need to find the correct product. For any lighting installation such as general lighting, under cabinet lighting, outdoor lighting, etc., there is a product that is perfect for you to meet energy savings, safety benefits and providing beautiful lighting needs.

We understand LED lighting very well. Let us know if we can help you meet the challenges of smart, sensible conversion to LED lighting.

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